Exciting New App Feature: Minor Works

Exciting New App Feature: Minor Works

Within the 4URSPACE Project Management App, there’s a new feature called Minor Works, which enables teams to easily submit requests for upgrades or replacements related to specific small renovation needs at various locations. Louis Vuitton Americas is among the avid users of Minor Works, leveraging its functionalities to enhance operations.

Upon submission, the Project Manager or Facility Manager responsible for addressing these requests promptly receives the necessary information and can proceed with approving the request and tracking and monitoring the status, budget, and costs. The platform’s real-time visibility enables efficient tracking of all the request across different regions, ensuring teams are informed about progress at every step.

This feature is already being used for submitting over 600 requests to date. From replacing carpets to aligning with each brand’s standards and aesthetics. 
What sets the Store Project Management Tool apart is its adaptability to clients’ evolving needs. The 4URSPACE team consistently develops new features and add-ons tailored to client requests, ensuring optimal support for their unique projects and requirements. To discover more about this feature or our Store Project Management App, schedule a demo here.

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